How to Hold a Pencil

002: Natasha Murashev

Episode Summary

Natasha is a self-taught iOS developer, who also learned Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Reuben spoke with her the morning after she won the API Prize at the Launch Hackathon, the World’s Largest Hackathon to date

Episode Notes


Natasha’s Personal Website

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business 

Stanford CS 106 Class


Stanford’s iOS Course

ShopLater for iOS

Mobile Makers

Hacker Schedule 

If You Want to Learn, Be a Cockroach

Big Nerd Ranch Objective C

Big Nerd Ranch iOS

Natasha’s book - How to... Learn To Code. Get Your Dream Job. Change Your Life

Achievement Unlocked: Winning An API Prize At The World’s Largest Hackathon